Wednesday, June 29, 2016

LifeTrails: "I did it MY way!"

I dedicate this post to my dear, wise friend; her footprints cover many parts of my heart.

She shared this in an early morning e-mail;

“Success; to be able to spend your life in your own way”

Some of our world’s definitions of success include;

            -a high salary
            -many children
            -a large family
            -many friends
            -a large home
            -peace of mind
            -good health
\           -a high education
            -owning a business
            -getting married
            -your children at graduation
            -weight loss/weight gain
            -personal creation of art
And the list goes on. Even Webster’s definition connects us to more material, worldly items:

"The fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame."

As I contemplated my friend’s definition, it occurred to me that hers can cover most of these other definitions.  It’s simply a matter of perspective.

One can choose (their own way) their place of higher education, the career they like, raise their children to their own set of standards, control their family planning, etc. Maybe we don’t choose our intelligence though we can choose how we use it: we may not choose our genes which chemically – may have some impact on our weight and general mental health.

How do you determine your life success?  Is it from the list above?  Or something different? 

Or – do you agree with my wise friend who always seems to have an ‘extra clue’ to some of life’s complex innuendos that elude my view at times?

Leave a comment; give us your take on this profound question. Share your own definition of SUCCESS.  We’d love to hear from you.

In the meantime…grab a hold of this day –YOUR DAY…live purposefully.  Give life a personal nod today.

Live this day….”In your own way”.

As always, Nature Prevails.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

CHICKEN TRACKS; Barnyard Chickens

Okay.  My English Prof said “Write an article about something you Love to do.”   
I said ‘No, not ready.’   
He said “It’s easy, give it a try.”   
I said ‘Don’t think so.’   
He said “You have to.”   
I said ‘Not really, it’s only the first week of class.’   
He said “Write it now.”   
I said ‘No.’ 
He said “Would you like your F now, or later?”   
I thought about that for awhile.  They should fire this guy; he’s obviously unreasonable and has an overgrown, false sense of authority!  But, I am above all – reasonable; just ask my sainted husband.  So, to bring everlasting peace and tranquility to the entire Universe, 
I said:

Have you ever looked into the eyes of a chicken?  I mean up close? There’s history there.  Think about it. Their distant, DISTANT cousins are dinosaurs, folks!  Remember…those overly tall spooky giants who rattled the mountains when they walked (who knows what moved when they ran?!).

They ate things.  Lots of things.  We too, might have been on their menu, had we been there.  Anyway, chickens remain.  Here.  Now.  And they are awesome.  And thank the powers that be, we are not on their menu.  Sometimes…they are on ours, but for sure – not my pet lovelies!.

My barnyard flock includes A Golden Laced Wyandotte, Blue Andalusians, Leghorns, Easter Eggers, a Black Sex-link, a gorgeous, huge, did I mention superb-looking…Blue Cochin? And several other mixes totaling 20 birds at present.

My goal?  To let this flock naturally reproduce themselves into lots and lots of beautifully colored chicken lovelies.  I’ve carefully chosen the traits (and colors) I want in these future birds; heavy egg-layers, larger stock for meat birds, colored eggs, flashy feather-patterns/colors and of course - brooders, for natural hatching, a trait that seems to be disappearing from modern hatchery stock.

I will change out each of the several different roosters for each batch of lovelies to add in the different characteristics. Results will be interesting, and I hope to gather feedback from my barnyard-chicken-buying customers to educate myself with the ongoing results. 

I do Love my lovelies; each and every one of them have their own unique character and personality.  I can stand by the fence, head in hand - by the hour, watching my flock.  They are smart, instinctive and rarely sit still. Neatniks by nature they constantly preen their feathers, and will drink more clean water than dirty.

Think about bringing some chickens into your life.  A large amount of cities are changing their codes to allow ‘city chickens’; that usually means a few hens and no roosters. Several large websites have intelligent, informative forums to help you out with everything from making your own chicken feed to learning how a chicken lays an egg.

And that overly authoritative, pushy Prof of mine is correct about one thing; it is easy to write about what you Love to do.

Next post on City Chickens.

Chickens rule!       

Nature Prevails