Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Buffalo Trails; get in line


20 October, 2021

This is no longer America.

This is no longer a free nation where our Constitution reigns sovereign. “Laws” are now dictated through EXECUTIVE ORDER...more and more, rather than through Congress – through the avenue of CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION.

It is not. And it's been coming for a long time.

We have basked in the laurels of the freedoms we had for too long; kept busy with our big boats, our personal problems, and our blind faith that we were safe within our boundaries.


Our borders are open; we owe just about everything we live by (food, clothing, cars, toys, tools, etc, ) to China; the government now has complete access to our private bank accounts; our medical choices are forced by fear into a confusion of when the next person just might kill us by breathing out in our airspace - by a contrived pandemic to which we are responding as though it were – instead...a plague!

Our entire planet of population – including our children - are being forced to take a vaccine that even the producers of this vaccine admit could change both our immune systems AND our reproductive cycles for the REST OF OUR LIVES!

Did you not suspect an “agenda” when we were URGED by the government to direct deposit our funds – TO SAVE TREES?! And then it became MANDATORY! They did not have access to our bank accounts then. We STILL had a choice to hold our paychecks – the money that WE our hands; not now.

Were you not suspicious when a law was passed in early 2000 that made it MANDATORY to fill out multi-paged census forms (under penalty of jail time) if we did not give the government the personal/private/NON OF THEIR BUSINESS info in these forms?! I spoke to a census CEO in Washington during the time when census workers were climbing fences and engaging in all manner of trespassing to get these forms completed. This CEO repeatedly said to me: ”We would never put anyone in jail for not filling out a form”. And I repeatedly responded...”But now - you CAN!”

Have you watched in disbelief how police are roaming the outdoor – OUTDOOR (where my “air” and your “air” are highly unlikely to be shared), cafe's in France – checking vaccine passports? Are you aware that everyday, law-abiding Australians are being beaten to the ground – regardless of young or old age...simply because they are QUIETLY PROTESTING against the MANDATORY vaccine?

Where are we going as Americans – as a planet – as a species? Why is there such a sudden big push to 'get everyone in line'? Do you not see how we are being manipulated to separate from each other? To distrust each other? The fear – yes FEAR that is being spread over this planet like a bug bomb in a bar...

How do you think this is affecting our growing, vulnerable children? Think about it! They will now have cemented in their first “life tapes” in their psyches, that – anyone – ANYONE...could kill them if they get too close. OMG. Think about that. How that changes our entire culture, the entire basis that we function within. Gone are the days we felt comfortable hugging someone in the grocery store or on the street when we met community “friends”.

Wake up people; this road we are walking...being pushed ahead on by government...just may follow the trails of the long ago Buffalo hunters on our great plains. And you know what THAT looked like...

from the other side of that cliff.