My rant for today. But - you decide; is is REALLY all just "rant"?
Each day I awake and wonder at the changes occuring in the world today. As a "senior citizen", I watch an already "alien" world around me - just from the normal changes that occur over a 50-plus year span. All "seniors" have to deal with 50 years worth of changes in their lives; it is "reality". Therein - the "alien-ness" around us.
We are told to 'get with the times'...'let go of the past'...'grow up' (that's always a trip to hear at our ages), etc. Indeed - just how much of the impact and 'reality' of your upbringing, your enculturation, your mor`es, your values, your beliefs, etc., can one ignore/change/let go of, before you are no longer YOURSELF! And then - who the h__ are you instead??!
I have witnessed infantile humanness in the political arena for many years; it shows up now and then; after all - we are all HUMAN. But - what I am watching on the current political front...for several years more than deeply distressing, it is dangerous. Why? Because there are Constitutional issues getting trampled and thrown about like confetti. As the Constitution erodes...where goes America?.... reminds me all too much of a kindergarden recess; Aren't the ELECTED supposed to behave professionally? Name-calling, all the EMOTIONAL ranting, the time/money - OUR MONEY folks, spent in Washington on who's right - who's wrong, etc. What about American issues - REAL ONES?! Like the messed up tax system? Like the national debt? Like the no-accountability of corporations these days? Have you tried to resolve an issue with a utility or other large business lately? can ever get released from the PHONE TREE...
But back to real issues, like the steady rise in prices - at the store, at the garage, at the parks, online, etc? How does that match the extra 5 dollars most seniors received in their new monthly income over the past few years?! You know... the REAL issues - the ones that address our eating and working and - oh yeah - being free?! Oh, I just remembered...."get with reality, Grandma; this is the NEW NORMAL!!!".
This 'growing up' at 70 something is hard; maybe I should go back to school. OOOPS...they're closed keep us SAFE! Back watch kindergarden on TV. HOME school...there you are., as my Grandmere used to say in her broken French accent. Now THERE was a lady with brains! A whole lot more than I hear coming know where.
But - this a a rant, a blog, a personal opinion; I can call I see it. Unfortunately, there is a much bigger RANT going on; by a WHOLE LOT more people...back east; yup - you know where.
And the media?! Where is the factual, issue-driven content that NEWS is supposed to share with the people? When I took my journalism courses in college, YELLOW journalism was a no-no!
Oh, that's right...I need to 'get with the times'...GROW UP. Oh my, but I DO have a great deal of GROWING UP to do.
I hope I die of natural causes LONG before I have GROWN UP....A SECOND TIME in my life. Once....was enuf.
At least then...there was hope.