Sunday, November 21, 2021

Political Trails

I hope that our political situation becomes one that is more 'people - centered', than presidential edict - centered. Our sacred WAS - and still should be - our guide; that was it's original purpose. It is - our only hope to continue the democracy we need.

I hope we Americans start to participate in politics as we used to - such that the control over the 'people' in America - gets back into the hands 'of the people', as opposed to in the form of increasing presidential edicts, health organization takeovers and any one else in" charge" of  "mandates".  

Our children; and the fear they have learned with COVID;  how will that affect our future, as they filter into governmental positions, teaching positions...parental responsibilities of their own.?

I hope that COVID herd immunity increases quickly, and that this virus, as with it's cousins of the past, wears out!  I hope that maybe - in 2022, we can ALL get back to some semblance of normal, whatever that will be, after our 2 plus years of fear...infused into our culture .

I hope that we can bring back into our American culture, the respect and support of our aging population. We are a resource to be utilized, not a burden to be shut away into long-term-care places where we wither and die.  Seniors have a lifetime of experience; knowledge, wisdom - a LONG view that can aide our leaders - from government all the way down to schools and community.  That 'view' can assist us all in understanding "changes" throughout all aspects of our culture.  But we have to learn to respect aging again - learn to "listen" again to the experience, wisdom and patience that comes with it. This long-view can greatly assist in preventing the repetition of historical mistakes - in all walks of life.

I hope we all learn to be kinder, more patient with each other...more Loving in ALL the interactions we have in this all our lifetimes.

Nature prevails.

"I lead you into the you could find the light."