Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Trails: the sunrise of the season

Whenever Spring arrives, sunrises mean more to me. A sunrise symbolizes 'new' and 'beginning' and 'promise' and 'life' and 'hope'...all those myriad of things that occur in Spring. Nature raises her 'curtain' and begins her awesome show.

It's small, even minuscule at first. Here in southeast Colorado, a bit of purplish Kochia weed peeks through the more protected, moister places. You're driving on route 50 to Lamar or La Junta and notice that the cottonwoods have a slight yellowish hue (tiny buds swelling under the new warmth of the higher sun). As you struggle through your first cup of coffee or tea, you notice the sunshine on a different spot on the table.

The sunrise happens in Nature's wildlife as well. I awoke to the incessant pecking sound of birds making nests under my bedroom eave last week. Robins have invaded, actually several weeks ago, a welcome sight indicating warmth on the way.

As we walked across John Martin Dam the other evening, hoards of tiny, fervent bugs buzzed over the sides of the dam. Soon, the swallows will arrive and enjoy their 3 seasons of bug fodder.

Join with Nature in her seasonal debut. Pick up a Bountiful Garden catalog and order your garden seeds. Order some chicks from Cackle Hatchery and ready a warm, cozy chicky spot in your barn. Turn up your garden soil, rake it smooth for planting. Wash your walls, your windows. Clean out the garage.

Wait a minute! Maybe a cup of Celestial Seasons Tension Tamer might be my next move....

Nature prevails!

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