In the midst of a new Pandemic, American life grinds to a scary, sometimes fatal halt. Toilet paper shelves laid bare; minimum traffic on freeways during the current non-existence of RUSH HOUR. Planes with cold engines parked in long lines on the sidelines of airport taxiways.
Many MANY employees losing work hours that will - not so far down this pandemic road - lead to less or no food in their refrigerators! Children sequestered at home with little understanding about the stress in their parents' eyes and tones of voice and their new restrictions and separation from their friends. The separation of teens from each other when PEERS are their new backbone.
National Guard called into action with training in CROWD CONTROL and feeding Americans.
So much rhetoric online about the 'Constitution tossed aside' as the general public is treated with increasingly 'war zone' detention. So much blame targeted at the President - the various leaders for this and that wrong-doing.
New CREATIVE terms used to restrain the freedoms we Americans took so for granted not even three months ago; now called SHELTER IN PLACE, etc. Is this legal? Is this reasonable protection to halt this Pandemic?
IS IT Constitutional?
***And if not - what ARE the alternatives? How do we as a nation, retain our freedom to BE...while saving each other from infection and POSSIBLE/PROBABLE death - if infected?! Where is that line, that demarcation where our "protection" becomes our "enslavement"?
Just how far should we allow our leaders to PROTECT us....from OURSELVES? Where-oh- where...is that line? And who...has the right/responsibility to create it - let alone enforce it?
A lengthy article in THE ATLANTIC from 2 days ago speaks to these issues ad nauseum, yet necessarily. For when THIS conversation stops, our Constitutional protections fade. According to this article, and the poll quoted therein, most Americans, non-partisanly - only a few days ago, are more than willing to defer their freedoms for the intent purpose of slowing the Pandemic death toll.
I wonder how much sleep our world, national and local leaders obtain during these insane weeks. An old curse (of seemingly conflicted origin), was brought to mind by a friend the other day; "May you live in INTERESTING times."
Please comment below. Share your feelings, your REASONABLE thoughts on this INTERESTING time - right here, right now, at your local SHELTER-IN-PLACE.
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