Friday, December 9, 2022

A TRAIL of tree



Oh Alas – I am a tree

My roots are deep,

My branches – free.

I stand alone

My work is calm,

Sometimes a Pine...

Sometimes a Palm.

Oh Alas - I am a tree

My roots are deep

My branches free.

Sometimes I sway

Sometimes I bend

Sometimes I break...

And then I mend.

Oh Alas - I am a tree

My roots are deep

My branches free.

So many birds

Come visit me.

I feel their Love

They comfort me.

Oh Alas – I am a tree

My roots are deep

My branches free.

The storms that pass

They test my strength

They push and pull...

And then at length..

Sometimes I break

Sometimes I die

But Oh Alas...

I am a tree.

Nature prevails..especially in the forest

Composed, written, published on 12/9/2022 

By Danielle Simone

All rights reserved to written permission only.

Sunday, November 13, 2022


 A simple question; nothing complicated, nothing about UFOs or deep mathematical computations, or 'why are we here?' know - those mind boggling questions that keep one up till the wee hours.

A simple question.

After you have scanned the beginning of this article, maybe you - SOMEONE...ANYONE...could commemt help my old, aging brain with just a TAD of understanding about our life on this planet.

WHY DOES A PRODUCTIVE, AMBITIOUS, YOUNG human being...who decides to bend the rules a bit (bring some herbs onto a plane with her)...get to go to PRISON?????


CONTINUES TO MURDER THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of children and other ALIVE, innocent, human beings......... IN ANOTHER COUNTRY (not even his own) 

***and REMAINS  free as a bird?*****

Inquiring minds want to know!

If  ANYONE has a clue here - can help me understand this inigma, I am open to listening - maybe learning something apparently VERY IMPORTANT that I have missed ...along my 75 years.

Thank you.

Nature prevails...

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Forever trails...TODAY



Possess this day with awe and caring

It is a gift given quickly and only once

Stain it not with tears of regret

Look to yesterday with reverence

For it is a teacher, a 'wise one'

A pathway for tomorrow

A memory – a vision

Indeed – it changes not

For it is by all rights – dead

Tomorrow is also a vision, but without substance

It is a dream, a wish, a story yet to be told

A feeling waiting to be birthed

Yesterday passes,

Tomorrow waits,

Ah....but for TODAY

Danielle Simone


Nature prevails....forever

Wednesday, August 17, 2022


 Until humankind defines 'when life begins' for our individuals, the 'pro-life, pro-abortion' scenerio will prevail.

EX: I saw a sign = "Pro-choice, not pro-abortion".  OMG; "pro-choice" for whom - the mother or the baby?  See? Semantics - a gobbledy gook playground of words where everyone is on a different platform - heading EVERYWHERE.

And we humans so enjoy that self-righteous ability we have to be able to "proclaim" a 'side' of an issue and bully foward.  Exactly HOW, I plead...does that type of communication, bring us together as a species, as opposed to constantly pitting us AGAINST one another...throughout life?

Questions to ask:

-If a HUMAN has intercourse with another HUMAN, is that pregnancy a HUMAN fetus or a PIG fetus?  I heard a confident comment once from a young girl..."Abortion is a woman's 'right' because you can't tell the difference between an early human fetus from a pig fetus..."  OK. 

-If nothing changes but GROWTH, from conception to birth....define the reasoning in terms of "Thy Shalt Not Kill" (One of our society's pervasive rules), that allows the difference to STOP that 'life'....along that path.

-If genetics are exactly the same from the moment of conception till birth....back to the pig fetus arena.

-If not "alive" from conception....then after 5 weeks, is that a 'pig heart' that starts beating?

-Interesting irony that we - who did NOT get aborted...have the right to abort - someone else.  Oh - that's's not a SOMEONE yet; back to the pig fetus. (My, but pigs are popular reasoning....).

-I was giving a talk behind a podium at a college seminar on the abortion issue over 30 years ago.  One very young lady said; "If an amniocentesis showed MY fetus to be abnormal - like missing legs or something, I would certainly want the right to prevent that child from having a life of suffering!" (Love that self-righteous energy...).  So...I (with my one hand)...stepped sideways away from the podium - standing then in front of her and said: "I am so grateful that my Mom didn't make that decision"....FOR ME!!!

-Since Roe VS Wade, men now have absolutely no legal say about their unborn child.....the responsible, caring men, who might want that child they just created...  And the men who want free (unresponsible sex),  now have legal license to do longer their problem.  Interesting...

WHEN DOES LIFE BEGIN?  At some intermittent point when the 'product' can defend itself?  Well folks, then I guess "Moms" have the "right to terminate"....for awhile AFTER birth as well; when will that logic creep out of the box? 

The point is that this law was not created after long-term reasoned exploration; NOT.

Life is precious. Females were chosen (by whom or whatever created this Universe), to care for the unborn.  Is that a curse.... or a priviledge? Regardless, that little bundle of genetics inside helplessThink about that... murder, whether by state rules in prisons, or federal rules for pregnancy.

Life prevails, in utero as well as in the crib as well as in the schools as well as in adulthood and certainly as well as in old age.

Monday, August 8, 2022


I NEVER run out of words; makes me crazy as I am sure it does to those around me.  But - me...and life; nothing stands still on this Rock,  at least not for long.  As the Buddhist belief proclams, 'Nothing is permanent". As my dear friend has always touted...'THINGS CHANGE!"  Her favorite saying... TC!

Today, thinking of life in general; it's trials, hardships, grief, JOYS, 'perfect moments' (I always say..."Life is not perfect,but there ARE many - "perfect moments") to embrace and absorb - if you listen, allow yourself to genuinely and LOVINGLY feel/sense/intuit and watch...and maybe 'pray'...whatever that might - or might not mean to your personally.

Some songs below for you to enjoy,  as you ponder their meanings and as well, your 'meanings' for your life and the life of all creatures on Earth.

And maybe elsewhere...

Watch the next sunrise over your nearest body of water

Consider a new baby chick begins to break out of it's tiny shell

Watch  a butterfly's many types of existence thru it's different stages (and WE think we have it hard!)

Watch your child's face as you tell them how proud you are of them

Bring your lonely friend some choclate - AND...a couple hours of your time to LISTEN

Tell the tired looking Mom ahead of you in line, how pretty she is

Watch a cluster of thousands of geese begin to fly off the water in unison

Call (NOT TEXT OR EMAIL)  your parent - you know, the one you think is trash...and tell them you are thankful for your life. 

On my birth day - the last one while my Mom was alive on this Earth (I did NOT know that - at the time), I called her early that AM - before she called me as she usually did, and told her - in depth - just how grateful I was for my existence - my being ABLE to celebrate this day in my ongoing life - because of her birthing of me. It was indeed - a perfect moment between I now have - without her. 

I'm sure you can think of some of life's  'perfect moments' of your own.

Never forget to be GRATEFUL...for all that we have - especially when we are feeling just the opposite; it's truly anazing when we begin to recognize what we DO enjoy in this journey.

***Play in your garden...weeds can be teachers - of patience, and peace and exercise.

As tweety says...

NATURE PREVAILS, especially in our quiet moments...