Monday, August 8, 2022


I NEVER run out of words; makes me crazy as I am sure it does to those around me.  But - me...and life; nothing stands still on this Rock,  at least not for long.  As the Buddhist belief proclams, 'Nothing is permanent". As my dear friend has always touted...'THINGS CHANGE!"  Her favorite saying... TC!

Today, thinking of life in general; it's trials, hardships, grief, JOYS, 'perfect moments' (I always say..."Life is not perfect,but there ARE many - "perfect moments") to embrace and absorb - if you listen, allow yourself to genuinely and LOVINGLY feel/sense/intuit and watch...and maybe 'pray'...whatever that might - or might not mean to your personally.

Some songs below for you to enjoy,  as you ponder their meanings and as well, your 'meanings' for your life and the life of all creatures on Earth.

And maybe elsewhere...

Watch the next sunrise over your nearest body of water

Consider a new baby chick begins to break out of it's tiny shell

Watch  a butterfly's many types of existence thru it's different stages (and WE think we have it hard!)

Watch your child's face as you tell them how proud you are of them

Bring your lonely friend some choclate - AND...a couple hours of your time to LISTEN

Tell the tired looking Mom ahead of you in line, how pretty she is

Watch a cluster of thousands of geese begin to fly off the water in unison

Call (NOT TEXT OR EMAIL)  your parent - you know, the one you think is trash...and tell them you are thankful for your life. 

On my birth day - the last one while my Mom was alive on this Earth (I did NOT know that - at the time), I called her early that AM - before she called me as she usually did, and told her - in depth - just how grateful I was for my existence - my being ABLE to celebrate this day in my ongoing life - because of her birthing of me. It was indeed - a perfect moment between I now have - without her. 

I'm sure you can think of some of life's  'perfect moments' of your own.

Never forget to be GRATEFUL...for all that we have - especially when we are feeling just the opposite; it's truly anazing when we begin to recognize what we DO enjoy in this journey.

***Play in your garden...weeds can be teachers - of patience, and peace and exercise.

As tweety says...

NATURE PREVAILS, especially in our quiet moments...

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