Sunday, October 4, 2009

Little Lamb Trails

What is it about babies that conjure up the human need to aide and assist? It is not always narrow-focused toward humans either, as anyone knows who has held a little kitten or goat or helped a new-born foal to its feet.

I’d like to continue believing, in my heart of hearts, that this ‘help’ gene we possess, is bigger than all of us combined, and surpasses all understanding. Nature is indeed bigger than all of us, while being part and parcel of not only who we are, but more importantly…who we can all become.

Ruth Schwinn, a novelist with more than her share of this ‘gene’, has a new book to offer, Henry the Lamb. A true story, Henry the Lamb is but one of many critter stories that make up life on their farm in New Jersey.

Picture by Justin Flores

Every person should have a Henry come into their life and experience the joy of giving from the heart – giving more than you ever thought you could – and the reward that can never be matched,” says Ruth, on her website.

Don’t miss this heart-warming story of Love and life and yet- another time when Nature shines, bringing out the specialness in both man and beast.

Drop in on Henry’s website and enjoy a story…from the heart.

As always…Nature prevails.

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