Friday, January 25, 2013

TRAILS OF LOVE our rush to old age, we find a moment (one of those perfect moments of which I so often speak) when the light shines above the dark...the good over the bad...the brightness of this life over the dark scary shadows that can purge our soul and our dreams.  This video of a Whale rescue is such a moment.

We need more of these moments in our NEWS, more of life that uplifts us - supports us, reminds us we are in the image and likeness of a creative force.  I'm not sure who/what/when/where/why or when that force is; but I am fairly certain that no one on this planet whipped up this itty bitty piece of rock we call home - NOR - the awe that surrounds us for infinity (whatever that is...just too much information in that large word for my tiny mind to absorb).

Embrace our creative life force; let it shine, create smiles and warmth and Love...whenever we have a wear our angel wings.

As always...NATURE prevails.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful and moving movie. Thank you.


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